

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

As Salaamu Alaikum Ikhwani!!!

I really just wanted to remind you how important it is to know how to sew.

At the very least you should always have a small portable/travel sewing kit with needle and thread that you can get at the grocery store so that you can mend seams, replace buttons and hem.

Also, update on my personal life: I’m doing well. Happy and healthy. I was able to start my Prison Ministry. Al Hamdulillah! Zawji and a good former friend of mine are sporting.


But Allah is the Greatest!

Ibni is here with me and we are rebounding from interceptions in our lives from enemies. Al Hamdulillah!

I want to start an advice section.

I am good with common sense stuff and Allah Has an answer for everything!

I’m also knowledgeable in herbal medicine and insightful when it comes to remedies to amend social problems.

You can write me at UmmHaqim@gmail.com! Or leave a comment here. No one will see it unless I approve it.


Your Sister,


Local Museums


As Salaamu Alaikum Ikhwani!!!


IMHO it is always good to know the area you live in!

Treat your little lambs to the local museum.
It is kind of like a mini-vacation!

Visit and enjoy LOCAL TOURIST ATTRACTIONS that you pay no mind ordinarily!

Ride the Historical Streetcars (Angels Flight here in L.A.)

Plan a fishing trip! And GO!!!

Take a hike and break fast with a beautiful view below!

There is a Museum of California Art

