Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatu Allah wa Barakatu

Oh My God! Why did I get robbed???!!!!

iPhone gone.

Wallet, i.d. atm, cash


I took a major short.

Got GOT!!!

But Allahu Akbar!!!

This is what makes life interesting, right? ^.^

Allah is testing my Iman and I remember a Brother from KAOS, one day, I don’t even know what he was referring to but he was like, “TEST ME!” So, I’m like, yeah!

Challenge accepted.

I should have known it was coming.

EVERY time I move somewhere, this happens.

So, I have my I.D. stored on my email.

That helps. It’s reassuring for me, if no one else.

Being on an island is tricky though.

Especially a colonized island, where the locals look at foreigners suspect.

Even though I feel more strongly for their cause than many of their own.

I love hearing political songs on commercial radio though. Like, “Brown-Skinned Warrior” and “Free the Land.”

Being disconnected from the World Wide Web has caused me to put things in perspective a little. Like I remember a time when I didn’t even want a phone. So, I compromised and got a LapTop with no ISP.

I refuse to get sucked in.

You know this is the change of seasons and I’m doing a lot of studying, watching what’s going on in the world like how the outlawing of abortions has completely eradicated the Black Lives Matter Movement. It’s like none of the murders, George Floyd’s being the most prominent, even happend. (Mispelling intentional. English is redundant)

Politicians haven’t even mentioned it in their platforms, debates, empty promises and rhetoric concerning Black People and Police Brutality is not even an issue anymore.

Worse, WE have forgotten!!!

I have more to write, Beautiful Black People, but I’m still recouping my bearings since I was victimized and will write again as soon as Allah Wills.

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum
