Moses Fleetwood Walker

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Image result for moses walker

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Beloved Brothers & Sisters

If I may, I would like to introduce you to a personage from American Black History with whom you may or may not be familiar.

Most people erroneously credit Jackie Robinson with being the first Black person to break the color barrier in major league baseball. Few people know of Moses Fleetwood Walker who, according to, was the “first African-American to play in Major Leagues.”

However, even fewer people know of Walker’s dedication to the struggle for equal rights among Black people.

Walker penned a treatise in 1908, wherein he stated, “The only solution to America’s race problem is the entire separation by emigration of the Negro from America.”

You know this sounds like it came from the mouth of Our Beloved Messenger, The Honourable Elijah Muhammad (May the Peace and the Blessings of Allah Forever Be Upon Him).

So, I found the treatise. You can read it in its entirety and for free by clicking the following link.

“Our Home Colony: A Treatise On The Past, Present And Future Of The Negro From America”

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1950 And California

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Beloved And Beautiful Chosen People of Allah

Oh my God! I knew how detrimental this travesty of justice was to the So-Called American Negro but I just learned what my home state of California had to do with it.

This Unjust “Law” was passed as a compromise between free and slaveholding states to allow California to join the Union (United States of America) as a free state, meaning slavery would not be permitted in California.

Up until this time, there had been a balance between free and slave-holding states with an equal number of both. The addition of California as a free state tilted the balance in the favor of free states BUT with the passage of this Act, slaveholders were given the freedom to RECAPTURE slaves who had successfully fled to FREE states and were living out their lives as free men and women.

With the passage of this FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT, slavecatchers went rampant, surreptitiously and overtly kidnapping “free” Black men and women and forcibly returning them to bondage!!!


As the decendent of former slaves born in California, this really makes me feel some kind of way.

I mean, my family wasn’t here in the FREE state of California in 1850 (The Gold Rush).

We were still held in bondage.

My ancestors didn’t escape slavery. But the thousands who did were forced to flee to Canada, where the FSA didn’t apply, or continue to live in the states where NOW they had to be constantly looking over their shoulder and careful of snitches who would turn them in for as little as a piece of fried chicken, a biscuit and a pat on the head.

Being born in California, I feel responsible for the recapture of only-Allah-Knows how many fugitive slaves!

I guess that’s how I feel. Sometimes I have to write to sort out my feelings.

I know I didn’t have anything to do with the passage of that horrible piece of legislature. It’s just so UNJUST. I guess I just deplore how American politics and this whole world of the wicked devil Caucasian race is.

They slip poison in your good food just to get you to eat it.



Reprinted from the February 4, 1972 edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper

Chicago, Illinois – (This is Part Two of “Muhammad Speaks'” exclusive presentation of Messenger Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) January 14, 1972, Press Conference)

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QUESTION: Mr. Muhammad, is it true that you are planning to build a new home for your family. I think right adjacent to your present home?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: It is true those houses are my homes.

QUESTION: The press has evaluated the new homes at a half a million dollars.

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I wish I had gotten off with that cheap price, but it is twice that much that these buildings are costing. All four of the homes cost a million dollars a little over a million dollars; about $2,230,000.

QUESTION: I was referring to a new home for yourself and your wife. Mr. Muhammad, that home, sometimes referred to as a mansion, the cost has been estimated to cost one half million dollars.

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I think they are costing a little more for the house here on the corner.

QUESTION: There are reports that you are in the process of purchasing a large tract of land to build low income houses.

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: We have some information from the authorities that they could supply us with an area now for about a hundred thousand, I do not know exactly. I have not gone into any serious questioning about it.

QUESTION: Federal government or local government?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: Local government, the city.

QUESTION: How soon do you expect those to be built?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I do not know. I have not went into seriously, these offers, but I hope to do so soon because we need them. My greatest desire on the South side is to build homes for the Black Man on the South side in Chicago. Again, my greatest desire is to put him up a hospital, which he sorely needs; he really needs a hospital. Again, the third, I would say, it is an educational center to teach him the knowledge of self. The city has not approached me yet to sell me and my followers these houses. But, they have indirectly indicated this would be easy to do, if I wanted to get them for such purposes.

QUESTION: Do you have a date in mind when you would like to begin construction of these one hundred single family homes?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: We would like to go into that as soon as possible with the proper authorities.

QUESTION: Will you also try similar enterprises in other cities?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: Yes, everywhere we are. This group in Baton Rouge, claiming to be Muslims, is there a known leader?

QUESTION: Do you know how many Muslims have been killed in the last few years, either by police or internal strife? Do you keep such a record?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: We try, but I am not saying how many we have on record, today.

QUESTION: You spoke earlier about police brutality. Were you suggesting that this was some kind of police plot? Or are you sure it was a splinter group?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: Yes, we have been attacked and still are being attacked by the police department and there are some few of my followers who have been killed by the police department.

QUESTION: Do you feel that the police might have been responsible for what happened at Baton Rouge or on the West Coast?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I am not eager to say pro or con on this matter, because I do not have too much knowledge of it. But I do know, according to what has passed, that the police department down there could give you better knowledge than me.

QUESTION: You indicate that the numbers of the Nation are increasing. How do you feel about the fidelity that is coming from the individuals who are joining up with the Nation? Do you feel people are becoming more deeply involved or more deeply a part of the Nation of Islam, or do you think the numbers tend to spread things thin?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I think for the last year or so that we have increased in the registry of our people, with very good people. Their morals are good and they are trying now to increase themselves into better morals. Our natural Black people all over the country are trying to do that.

QUESTION: Have you designated a successor for yourself ?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I do not do that. I cannot do that. I did not choose myself. God chose me and if He wants a successor, He will choose that one.

QUESTION: By what means would someone come up?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I do not know that, because I do not believe there is one coming up. The work that I am doing, I don’t think God needs one, because when man and God have come face to face, as the old saying goes, then that is the end of it. When we are face to face with God, that is the end of it and so what would another one do? There is nothing for him to do.

QUESTION: After you are gone, Mr. Muhammad, the Nation of Islam will continue to exist but how?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: It will be a New Islam to what the old Orthodox Islam is, today. It will be altogether a New One.

QUESTION: You mean your successor will preside over a New Islam?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: There will be no successor. There is no need for a successor when a man has got the Divine truth and has brought you face to face with God.

QUESTION: How will your resources be administered?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: That will be carried on by the Nation. After setting up the Nation on the right way, or right path to take care of themselves, they do not need any more instruction on that. They will follow it as the Constitution of America has been followed.

QUESTION: Will it be run by local Mosques?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: No, No, No. After this, the whole entire Nation of Black people will be governed Divinely and the government will be a Divine government and not something that is governed locally, like we have today. We will have a Divine government set up for us, and it will stand forever. We will not need any change.

QUESTION: What did you mean, “new different from Orthodox?”

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I meant just that. We have a New Islam coming up. The Old Islam was led by white people, white Muslims, but this one will not be. This Islam will be established and led by Black Muslims, only.

QUESTION: Will there be a Saviour’s Day affair as it has been in the Coliseum.

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: We have not made preparations there.

QUESTION: Where will you have it Sir.

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: We hope to have it in the Armory over on 52nd and Cottage.

QUESTION: Will you address the gathering, Mr. Muhammad?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: That depends on the Will of God. If He Pleases, I will be there.

QUESTION: Has that changed your plans, Baton Rouge, has it changed your security arrangements?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: No, because I have One Security and that is God, Himself.

QUESTION: How is your health?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: My health? Well, I do very well, I think, if it Pleases Allah. And, all of the afflictions of the former Messengers, to classify Elijah that is coming just before the Great and Dreadful day of God, he must have a taste of all of it.

QUESTION: Why did you appoint a press conference, today?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: They appointed themselves, and I am willing to go along with them, in that I set up a press conference.

QUESTION: When was the last press conference, do you recall ?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: I have not had an actual press conference in quite few years. I think it was in L.A. I had something like questions on certain things, on one thing, about when the Malcolm death took place. That was not, say, really a press conference. We have not had a press conference since quite a few years ago, out in Los Angeles.

QUESTION: Would you tell us the present status of Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay)?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: Cassius Clay is a good believer. I would say the young man is full of sport and he goes along with sport, too, but I think in his heart he wants to be good.

QUESTION: Will he be returned into full membership in the Nation of Islam?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: There is nothing one would do that cannot be forgiven, if he repents.

QUESTION: Have you set a date for when he comes back into full membership?

MESSENGER MUHAMMAD: No, he is actually still a good Believer. As far as certain duties or posts as he used to hold, as teaching the Ministry, I do not know when that will take place.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I think folks from Cuba who migrate to the U.S. are particularly ruthless due to growing up with American sanctions.

I absolutely adore both Castros for nationalizing business, offering FREE housing, FREE food and a FREE college education to all citizens and opposing American imperialism.

Even today, people from ANYWHERE ON EARTH, can travel to CUBA and earn a DOCTORATE DEGREE for FREE!!!! FREE!!!! FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the people who LEAVE CUBA in favor of American commercialism are just like people from anywhere else who leave their country, hungry for the devil’s money – TRAITORS (sorry Brother Adel​, I’m exceedingly grateful to you for sharing the gift of the Arabic Language, and I know there are always exceptions).

Ricky Ricardo abandoned his own woman in favor of the ugly American devil woman and those devils have been running that show for over fifty years – longer than any other show in television history!

I used to work with a guy from Cuba and always admired his style. But he wasn’t right.

That woman on Fifty’s show is the reason why I stopped watching.

I SHOULD HAVE stopped when I saw it is a porno. But I like Fif and the star reminds me of my Habibi and his club was called “The Truth” and you know how much I love the TRUTH!

I could handle the violence, the slanging, even the pornography, but that interracial mess, is causing the destruction of our families more than anything else and I’m SICK of it!!!

It is the LAST trick of the devil to try and take our people to Hell.

Fif had the OPPORTUNITY to do some good with his T.V. show. Instead he BIT off another man’s life (whom I met, poor Brother) and broadcast all the filth he possibly could on television, probably worldwide. SMH

I know you had a hard life, Fif, but you don’t have to promote that lifestyle, Akhi. Someone once told me that you can’t be an Angel living in Hell. I disagree; being an Angel living in Hell makes you all the more deserving of Heaven!

Find your Angel, Akh!




بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم




by the Honourable Elijah Muhammad[(PBUH])

“Which flag will survive the War of Armageddon?

“Armageddon is the final war of Judgment and separation of the righteous from the wicked, of which I am sent to teach…

“This is a question that is asked the mentally dead of my people in America, the so-called Negroes. This question is to show the answerer that he fully agrees that the Sun, Moon and Star will survive the Cross, or the flag of America known as the Stars and Stripes. Everyone who is asked this question answers that the Crescent will survive America’s flag and the emblem of Christianity, which is the Cross. A fool knows that the sun, moon and stars will survive any nation.

“Then comes the next question. Since you believe that the Crescent will survive, why not accept Islam and the flag and Crescent emblem which represents the Sun, Moon and the Stars?”

As-Salaam-Alaikum Dearly Beloved Sisters & Brothers

Lately, I’ve noticed that my conversations have been primarily about this War between America and Islam – ARMAGEDDON.

They will not tell you that that’s what it really is. They will tell you that they are fighting “Terrorists“. So they call it the War on Terror.

But let us take a closer look at these “terrorists” and see what they all have in common.

1. The Taliban
2. Al Qaida
3. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
4. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
5. The “Lone Wolves

They are all Muslims. But America will not admit that. You will have to put two and two together for yourself.

It is a War against ISLAM/MUSLIMS. No matter what they call it. The bottom line is they are all Muslims.

Armageddon is the Final War. It is a Holy War that will reestablish peace on our Earth because it will remove the peace-breakers – Christians – from our planet once and for all.

Armageddon is the War wherein Truth battles falsehood and falsehood battles Truth.

Islam is The Truth. Everything else is falsehood. We are living in the Day and Time when the veil of falsehood MUST be removed and the Truth made known.

Allah (God) is bringing about an end to the people worshiping Him in any manner they choose.

Allah (God) Gave Us A Way Of Life (Islam) when He Created us and Taught us how He Wants us to worship Him.

Christianity has so poisoned the so-called American Negroes that we are like a dead man. Mentally without life. And, it is like trying to raise a man from the dead to awaken the spiritually and mentally dead so-called American Negroes.

We have been made blind, deaf and dumb and mentally DEAD to The Knowledge of our own selves – all because of the devil’s slave-making religion of Christianity.

Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, To Whom Praises are Due Forever, said, “If Christianity was put in a wet rag and wrung out, every drop would spell SLAVERY.” He said, the Bible, in its present form is “a poison book” and the Christian church is “the graveyard of our people” which is why they have a cross on top.

He also taught us that “the greatest hindrance to the salvation of the so-called American Negroes is the preacher of Christianity” who will not accept the Truth nor is he content to see anyone else accept the Truth of his or her own salvation.

Christianity has been the tool the slave-makers used to make and keep us enslaved. Upon acceptance of our True Religion – ISLAM – the person is freed from bondage “in the blink of an eye.

The Flag on the right (above) is THE UNIVERSAL FLAG OF ISLAM – THE SUN, MOON AND STAR. The red background symbolizes the Sun which shines on us freely. The “F” in our Flag stands for FREEDOM.

The Star and Crescent are both in the Sun. We only have one Star in our Flag which represents ALL of the Stars in the Universe. The Star Symbolizes JUSTICE. If you notice, when a person is qualified to enforce the Law of the land, they wear a Star. The “J” in our Flag stands for JUSTICE.

The Moon symbolizes EQUALITY because it was a part of the Earth at one time, therefore it is EQUAL with the Earth. The Moon is also a symbol of the Black Nation in the Wilderness of North America because although we were stolen from our land and people we are still equal with the civilized people of the Earth. The “E” in our Flag stands for EQUALITY.

All three – Freedom, Justice and Equality – a person immediately receives upon his or her acceptance of ISLAM, which is what the “I” stands for in our Flag.


To learn more about our Universal Flag of Islam you may click here.

Under the “Stars and Stripes” AND the “Stars and Bars” (Confederate Flag)

all we ever received was SLAVERY, SUFFERING AND DEATH. Don’t call it “Ol’ Glory.” It’s “OL’ HELL” to you and me.

Thankfully, there is no way in Hell the Stars and Stripes, Stars and Bars or any flag representing the white devils will ever survive The Universal Flag of Islam – The SUN, MOON AND STAR.

The Sun, Moon and Star were here trillions of years before the making of white Christian race (America/Cross/Stars&Stripes) and they will be here forever.

Can you say the same for America (Stars & Stripes?)

“That it is a crime, or that these words (which one — meaning the American flag or the Islamic flag — will survive the War of Armageddon, or Holy War, or the war to end wars) are considered a crime or a teaching to incite insurrection or revolution to take America by force, cannot be proven to be truth by anyone who may read this or may have attended one of our meetings.”